Sunday, July 25, 2010

East and West Meet in LaBarge

I rode to LaBarge today to keep Dan company at the doctor. Woman had an opportunity to try a treatment for his sore feet from Veterinary Acupuncturist. Dr. Brewster was great - I liked her a lot. Dan was a little naughty, but I did what I could. Can't wait to see if he feels better.
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  1. So how's Dan feeling? How nice of Donkey to hang out with a buddy in his time of need. However, we need to talk about horsey. acupuncture.

  2. Hi Brother Dallas!!
    Dan's feet hurt, but the acupuncture seemed to help for a while. Donkey gets annoyed if anybody goes in the trailer and she has to stay home, so we just pretty much take her. Yes - horsey acupuncture.... I know. Desperation, you know. Thanks for commenting - Junie was worrying that nobody read her blog at all. Glad to see all is not for naught!
