Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ground Driving on a Sunny Saturday

Yesterday we tried a new thing - a bosal.
I liked it because it was pretty much like the halter. Also because I could pretty much do whatever I wanted. Woman walked behind me and pulled my head this way and that, and for a while I cooperated nicely - it was a beautiful day to be out for a stroll, and a change of scenery is always pleasant, as long as it's not too scary. Everybody was very proud of me. After a while, I started to feel sorry for Bubba and Dan being left alone in the corral, and they were making such a fuss that I worried about them. I wanted to go back so they could stop all that annoying whinny noise and running back and forth. (I wish I could teach them to bray - it would be so much more melodic, but they don't seem interested.) Anyway, Woman and I argued about that for a while. I didn't win, but I didn't loose either. I invented a really useful technique, in which I tuck my nose into my chest and turn myself around and around in tight little circles. I'm very bendy, and when I curve around in a C shape it's really hard for anybody to get me out of it! That's great! And if they do manage to get my head straightened out I can just curl around the other way and keep circling! Man says I was like a rolypoly bug. I think that's a handy trick to know, so I'll work on perfecting it.
Maybe someday I could travel around and teach workshops like those clinicians do. Wonder if I could copyright the "rolypoly maneuver"....



  1. Junie, my Fenway Bartholomule loves his bosal. The only problem we ever have is his desire to go left at the place where we always go right, which is easily fixed by a stern glare, an expletive, and a little whap on the left side of the neck.

    Should I have admitted that in public on the web? I'm not sure.

    Marnie "FarmWife" Jones

  2. Oh heaven forbid! Because the internet is full of whap-less horse and mule and donkey trainers, I'm sure..
    You know, I'm not the least slow to employ the whap with my horses, but Junie seems to have me bamboozled with the *imagine big innocent eyes here* "I'm just a wild donkey and I'm doing my best to trust you so you must be endlessly patient with me and never raise your voice or hand (or whapping thing)or we'll loose all progress we've made." energy she radiates.
    That, and her hunched back, tucked tail, head down, ears miserable posture she assumes at the slightest reprimand. We'll try again with the bosal, but I think you're right - I may need to put my foot down a little more. Appreciate your input - I don't know anybody else who has done this from scratch!
