Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The promised video...

Woman said if I frolicked enough she'd make another movie of me. Here I am joyfully kicking at my friends in the big snowy pasture! (I'm only pretend kicking. When I mean it, I don't miss.)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guest Post from Woman - Artwork for Japan

Beach Dog - click image to go to auction

River Boy - click image to go to auction

Bug Finder - click image to go to auction

Spectator - click image to go to auction

Rider - click image to go to auction

*We interrupt this Donkey Blog to introduce a charity project:  Woman Donates Artwork for Japan*

Hello Burro fans - Woman here...   Juniper has kindly lent me her blog space to talk about a little artwork-for-charity auction.
As you may or may not know, in addition to being Junie's personal assistant, I'm an artist.

The disaster that befell Japan recently has been weighing heavily on everyone's minds. Like I'm sure you have too, I've been thinking about ways that I might be able to contribute in some way to relief efforts. Today I'm excited to offer my five little paintings for auction with 100% of the purchase prices donated to Global Giving Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund. They are framed acrylic paintings by me - all on 5"x 7" panels and all signed originals. Please have a look, and I'd be honored if you email, tweet, like, etc. to help me spread the word. I'm glad to find a way to take part, and I'm looking forward to sending these paintings to their future homes and knowing that together we helped people in need.

Thanks for lending me your ear (long or short!) and I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled programing.
(Thanks, Junie!)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The children adore me

Posted by PicasaHowling wind today - Woman is fixing the biting string so the boys and I can roam around a little.  However, we're still cooped up until the solar thingie gets it's battery charged.  "Tomorrow." She says.  "And if you do your 'Ha ha!  I'm excaping!' frolic I'll post a video of you."  In the mean time, I thought I'd leave you with these pix of the summer.  Ahhh..... green..... *sigh*

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Had a great weekend - hope you did too.
Saturday I did this practice walk with the pack saddle on. Woman's getting better at putting it on - and I like to keep it from getting too easy by doing lots of stepping sideways back and forth. I still hunch up my hiney when that breechen goes... well... it's just a weird feeling.
Sunday I accompanied Girlchild and Bubba to the arena and met a new horse - the beautiful black thoroughbred Elaina. She instantly became my friend. I told her she could borrow my pack saddle anytime she wanted.
Here's a little video of me - Woman got some new video software. I think she might need to keep practicing, but I'll try not to hurt her feelings.

Bonus question:
What's the title of the song? I think it might be my new theme song....