Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feet Guy Again

Feet guy came again, and I was very good.
I used to really, really (reallyreally) hate to have my feet worked on. I mean, it's just kind of unnatural to let other creatures handle your feet. I need my feet, and I need them under me at all times. What would happen if something bad became of one of my feet? (Shudder...)It used to be SO hard to let anybody touch them, and I just sort... well....I had a big fit. You know what I mean? Do you ever have big fits about things?
So they got long, and ugly, and kind of uncomfortable, but I had such big fits that nobody wanted to trim them.
But - these new humans kind of tricked me, I guess - they rubbed my legs nicely, and then pet my feet nicely, and then I just let them pick up a foot (just for a second!) and they kept bugging me and I slowly got used to it - sometimes they even gave me cookies if I was good (don't tell!)
So the first couple of times Feet Guy came I was really nervous, and I argued with him a little, but he was really patient, and just sort of wore me down, and in the end, it didn't really hurt, and they felt better when he was done - lighter, and comfier.
I stood at the trailer tied up just like the horses, and I even picked my feet up when he pinched my leg, and I didn't once (NOT ONCE!) yank a foot away from him, or hop around or lean on him to make him let go, or nip his behind or ANYTHING. My humans were very proud, but I acted like it was just an every day thing. It's worth almost anything to show up the horses, you know.
So- yes. Once again - the six year old un-broke burro was better behaved than the three-times-her-age horses. Go figure. (Rolling eyes) Sigh - what do you expect?
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Why would I need a bit?

The woman keeps talking about a bit. The horses might indeed need bits, since they can be unreasonable, but why would a steady and willing steed such as myself need anything more than this nice wide purple halter? So I go eat grass when I want to.... it's the just reward for being such a kind and sweet companion. If you see the Woman, tell her The Burro's fine just the way she is. No additional training necessary.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And more water!

Add this to the list of things humans do that don't make any sense. I like dust and sand in my coat. That's why I roll at every opportunity. I don't even shake when I get up, like the horses do. The more dirt I can keep in my hair, the better. But, after watching all the horses get their baths, I obliged the humans their fun, and I showed them that even under this extreme form of torment, the patient and long-suffering burro won't exhibit any of that silliness that the tromping, snorting, wild eyed horses were carrying on with. Burros suffer with dignity, as is fitting.
Lori certainly did give me an enthusiastic welcome! Galloping up and down the fence, braying exuberant greetings - made me feel a little shy, she was so boisterous. Isn't she lovely, though? Clear that she takes after her father.